Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wall post #1

Today was a great day, I finally escaped from that wretched gladiator trainer with 80 others. We got out of there with kitchen knives but now we have regular weapons. Don’t tell the Romans but we are camped up on Mount. Vesuvius. We’re in the crater at the top. Thank the gods its extinct, we don’t have to worry about it erupting. Well that's all i can post now, See you later.


  1. Friend Request: Salve, I was hoping you would be willing to become my friend. I honor and respect you as a gladiator who had the courage and skill to break out of his barracks successfully and start a slave revolt in the process. I look up to you for being such a great fighter as you are. As brother gladiators, could you consider this offer?

  2. *Sigh*
    I forgot the citation again:
    Kegel, Susan. “Learning How to Die.” Rome’s Gladiators,, 3 May 2011.

  3. Friend Request; Greetings, my name is Titus, you have met me through a popular debate over whether slavery is right, and you share the same opinion as me.Plus, you are technically my idol considering all the slaves of my time followed the law and were disrespected.You had more courage than I can ever accumulate and resisted which put the patricians in check and gave all Roman slaves more rights.I have a strong respect for you and we should be friends.We could discuss our hopes and dreams of true freedom,so will you accept?

  4. No Author."Spartacus Historical Background"vroma,, May 17 2011

  5. Quintus Aquilus, I would gladly accept the friend request of a fellow gladiator.

    No Author, Biography on Spartacus
    Provides a biography on Spartacus' life.

  6. Galley slave I would be honored to accept the friend request of a fellow slave and I hope that you can escape your bonds as I did.

    No Author, Biography on Spartacus
    Provides a biography on Spartacus' life.
